This adventure begins where the previous issue left off. A persistent Detective Erin Mallory
won’t stop asking questions about the deaths by mysterious circumstances in the city of
Grimsmont. As a result her life is being turned upside down by the C.A.U.P (Center for Abnormal Unearthly Phenomenon) to try to get her to follow orders and just butt-out.
Yuki-Onna Ozaki makes a special visit to Damon and Abigail after his press
conference. She expresses her disappointment with his progress and her plans
become even more clear.
Later, Lili has it out with a couple of annoying street thugs who just don’t
know how to accept the word “No”.
Grace Cervantes is portrayed by the gorgeous Morgan Bailey aka Morgan Nichole Cosplay. This cover made it's appearance on our crowdfunding campaign in October 2022 for Lili the Demoness chapter 6 - Black Miracles part one.
Morgan did a beautiful and super sexy job capturing the essence of Grace Cervantes
in this photoshoot.
Check out more work from Morgan Nichole Cosplay on her social media page.